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I need some help to clarify something....

Posted by dacho, 09-04-2008, 08:58 PM
I am having strange issues on my servers. When I try to copy a file between two of my servers via FTP, this file of 50MB has been transferred very slow. When I did a traceroute from server A to server B, I got that 14 of 30 routes had no reply, but when I try 'wget mydomainname.tld' command this gets my index.html page or when I try 'ping mydomainname.tld' command my domain has been pinged. So, I am confused. Can anyone explain what is going on? Thanks in advance.

Posted by andrewk, 09-04-2008, 09:04 PM
I have no clue what you are saying.

Posted by plumsauce, 09-04-2008, 09:20 PM
So why bother? Anyways, for the OP, your servers may by quite some distance apart network wise. This will cause high latency. This in turn affects how fast you can transfer a file. You can *partially* address this by increasing your tcp window size.

Posted by SysAdminMan, 09-04-2008, 10:47 PM
Traceroute packets are the lowest of the low so don't read too much in to the fact that a router is not replying to them. How slow is slow and where are the 2 servers based?

Posted by dacho, 09-04-2008, 11:41 PM
The file I have been trying to transfer is about 50MB. I started the FTP client and entered the logging information for my other server's ftp account. A message "Entering passive mode" and "transfer startin" appears. After one hour there aren't any activity. One of my servers is in USA and the other is in Spain.

Posted by SysAdminMan, 09-05-2008, 08:54 AM
When you say there isn't any activity ... have you tried doing an "ls -l" on the destination file. If it doesn't exist then ftp isn't slow - it's broken! If ftp isn't working then it's probably a firewall issue. You could either fix this or - - copy the file to your web server area and use wget just as you were doing with index.html - use scp if you have ssh running. This would be something like "scp root@destination.server.com:/file ." If the file transfer is running but is just really slow then you want to try downloading other files to each server to try and see if there's a general problem with the speed of one of them.

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