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MySQL Joins

Posted by riscphree, 12-16-2007, 03:10 PM
I'm trying to perform a join in mysql on two tables. My tables: That's not the complete profile_data table, but thats all that I'm concerned with. What I want to do is pull the friendimg for all the friends belonging to user $username (in the friends table).

Posted by dnswatch, 12-16-2007, 03:26 PM
I'll take a wild stab at this one (could be wrong); SELECT username FROM friends LEFT JOIN profile_data ON friends.username = profile_data.username

Posted by Xeentech, 12-16-2007, 03:38 PM
That would work, but depends on how you want it to act when there is no matching profile_data row.. A LEFT JOIN would have a row for every friend even if they don't have a profile_data row, and would have a NULL value for the img. (duno if this is a problem for you though) Try: Without the LEFT or RIGHT options JOIN will only match when there are rows from both tables involved..

Posted by masfenix, 12-16-2007, 03:40 PM
I work with MSSQL and .net, so i dont know whether this is supported in mySQL. But you should add a constraint ( a foreign key ) to the username in your profile data table

Posted by riscphree, 12-16-2007, 03:42 PM
Yeah, NULL values wouldn't work. I'll give what you guys posted a shot!

Posted by dnswatch, 12-16-2007, 03:45 PM
Hi Xeentech, I'm still learning the joins myself... That plus I have only used one join (left) on my old site. Thanks for correcting me!

Posted by Xeentech, 12-16-2007, 04:08 PM
Not really correcting you as such.. depends on how riscphree wants it to work I guess. LEFT JOIN does tend to come up most often though.

Posted by Codelphious, 12-16-2007, 04:33 PM
riscphree, I'm not aware of the requirements for the information you're trying to store here, but I would strongly caution against using 'text' as the data type to store items such as KEYs as you've done here, as you'll take a pretty big performance hit. That is, assuming 'user_id' is a key. I'd also recommend adding the 'user_id' key (again, assuming that is a key) to the friends table as such: TABLE `friends` ( `user_id` text NOT NULL, `friend_user_id` text NOT NULL, `friend_status` text NOT NULL, `friend_type` text NOT NULL ) Notice I've replaced the 2 names 'username' and 'friendname' with user_ids. Each of these ids now maps to a designated row in the profile_data table.

Posted by riscphree, 12-16-2007, 04:34 PM
Oh yeah, text I'm using just for simplicity sake, its not production. Same thing with keys.

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