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VPS easy to manage
Posted by Debora, 09-19-2016, 06:46 PM |
Hello everyone,
I need to know it's easy to manage a vps.
I going to buy a unmanaged vps for the first time.
I have a habitude with linux and some little command line but not a expert experience.
Did i make a update by my self.?
Did i configure and manage all security?
What job i must to learn or do?
My vps come with a plesk or webmin panel.
Thank you for your help
Best regards
Posted by net, 09-19-2016, 08:24 PM |
No, it is never an easy task.
If you are just starting with VPS and you will be hosting a production site, I would go for a managed VPS.
It is not just about the "know how" but it is also about your precious time to consider.
Posted by Debora, 09-19-2016, 08:55 PM |
Thank you for your answer
i know it's not easy but it's like everest?
I hvae a little time ton learn how to manage?
But i don't know what is my future duty...
Posted by CentexHosting, 09-19-2016, 09:06 PM |
I would recommend maybe a Managed VPS or if you go with un managed getting cpanel on it will help you control your sites better.
Posted by JCYJ_, 09-19-2016, 11:13 PM |
It will be a bad idea purchasing a unmange server without any knowledge. Yes, you will be configuring the security of the server yourself. It will be better if you out source a System Admin or purchase a managed server!
Posted by Time4VPS, 09-20-2016, 04:13 AM |
if you buy unmanaged VPS this means you will be managing it yourself. This includes all the configurations and installations, security updates, software updates. If you are planing to host production website it could be better to start with a managed VPS and buy one unmanaged for development and your training. There is a lot of tutorials online which will help you with managing your own VPS.
Posted by Debora, 09-20-2016, 04:57 AM |
Yes that coming with a panel.
We dont have a landscape of all duty
Posted by ZenHosting, 09-20-2016, 05:18 AM |
Why do you need a VPS? Do you currently have a reseller account?
Posted by Host4Geeks-Kushal, 09-20-2016, 06:29 AM |
What would you be doing with the VPS, I believe this determines as to how much of a technical knowledge do you require.
Posted by vps_newbie, 09-20-2016, 08:29 AM |
@Debora wants a VPS to create an adult website. See this thread:
The answer is that it takes a lot of skill to configure, maintain, and manage a VPS. cPanel is expensive (typically $15 per month). If your website involves money, then you must make sure it is very secure.
You did not tell us what you know already. Do you how to administer a Linux server? (You can get a KVM VPS with Windows, but it is more expensive, and not very common.) If you don't know anything, it will take months to learn what you need to know.
Here is what I would recommend:
1. Install VirtualBox on your home computer. VirtualBox is free. It lets you run virtual machines on your home computer. Create a CentOS or Debian virtual machine (or both) in VirtualBox. CentOS and Debian are also free.
2. Practice configuring a web server using your virtual machines. Learn the linux commands. See what you can make it do. Set up your future adult website on it and work with it.
3. Once you feel confident with Linux and your virtual machines, buy a very cheap VPS (say, less than $5 a month) and practice with it. Learn how to secure it, update it, run a website on it, etc.
4. While you are doing steps 1, 2, and 3, find some good forums and discussion groups on the web where you can get advice, help, and share knowledge and experience.
5. All of the above will probably take several months, depending on how much time you have.
6. When you are confident and ready, go ahead and sign up for the more expensive VPS where you will run your adult website. Good luck!
Posted by Debora, 09-20-2016, 04:04 PM |
Thank you for your answer.
I all ready use ubuntu, centos, opensuse for local installation and test.
Apache, Mysql, Mariadb, PHP7
But some os is on desktop and other one command line.
I have no to much habit with firewall, dns manager, update all os online
Maybe i forget a lot of thinks. I use linux since Fedora 6.
But is a fisrt time i look out for unmanaged. It's like a everest. I have not work landscape.
I never see a book ou tutorial for that...
Best regards
Posted by BrianHarrison, 09-20-2016, 05:13 PM |
You definitely need a control panel. It sounds like you'll need a full LAMP stack with extra capabilities for video processing. A control panel like cPanel will help you with the basics.
It will take hundreds of hours of real-world sysadmin experience before things will start to become "easy".
Posted by SenseiSteve, 09-20-2016, 05:51 PM |
I wouldn't say learning this is like Everest, but it will take some time to become proficient. You sound motivated and are asking questions which is always good. The very best to you in this endeavor.
Posted by PUH-Chandrashekar, 09-21-2016, 07:45 AM |
Managing your own server sounds good. I suggest you to have a control panel because A control panel like cPanel will help you with the basics.
Posted by AppDistrict, 09-22-2016, 09:17 AM |
It's always possible to learn this stuff. Just need to remember that installing everything is only a start - you cannot deploy your software and forget about it, as security is a process, so you need to monitor your server (both availability as well as security), and apply patches both regularly and immediately when need (e.g. publication of critical vulnerability/exploit ) . Also regular backups would be needed.
Until everything works it works - problems may arise when something goes wrong (troubleshooting require lot of experience).
Posted by vps_newbie, 09-22-2016, 09:34 AM |
A control panel will definitely help.
cPanel is popular and easy to use. Unfortunately, cPanel costs around $15 per month, in addition to the cost of your VPS. Including cPanel may exceed your budget.
DirectAdmin is a less expensive control panel, but it still costs money. I have never used it, so I cannot tell you how it compares to cPanel.
There are free control panels, too. They are not as nice and easy to use as cPanel, but some are very good.
Webmin is very popular and well-supported. It has many features, which makes it more complicated to use. I would try it first. (Virtualmin is also popular. It is webmin with additional plug-in features.)
If you want a free control panel, be sure to do web searches to make sure that it is current and well-supported with frequent updates. Some control panels are no longer supported or may have security issues, which you do not want.
As I said, I like Webmin (or Virtualmin). It takes longer to learn, but it is powerful and capable.
Good luck, and share what you learn!
Posted by AppDistrict, 09-22-2016, 09:47 AM |
There is also free one called Vesta but it seams you mentioned that the server will include Plesk so the panel itself is not an issue.
Posted by Bryan V, 09-22-2016, 03:36 PM |
You can buy some cheap vps if you want to do for testing purposes and install some easy panel like Vesta for start. But you can also invest money to have good panel like cPanel or Plesk. It's upto your decision.
Posted by Debora, 09-22-2016, 05:50 PM |
understand, i must keep stay alive and alert all time after buy a vps space...
Thank you.
Update... Patch... Upgrade.... control who come and who go...
Posted by amberhuntus, 09-23-2016, 08:30 AM |
In my opinion you should go for a managed VPS Hosting as it will be difficult for you to use unmanaged vps hosting without any prior knowledge about it.
Posted by Debora, 09-24-2016, 07:31 AM |
Thank you all.
Know i understand if we want won a times and security. It's better to have a managed hosting.
Thank you i appreciate
Posted by Debora, 09-27-2016, 04:18 PM |
I make a choice. I buy a host place unmanaged for playing with. Just training for a moment. No production.
Thank enveryone for your help
Kind regards
Posted by hostingbug, 09-27-2016, 06:08 PM |
Best of luck in learning new stuff. Thats how we start in our life. Step by step you will learn how to work with linux and as no production stuff that will be thing to learn . You can check the offer section to find a cheap vps and start working on it
Posted by sirbah, 09-27-2016, 09:55 PM |
stick to the linux, in time you will get use for the codings and how to use it better
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