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Atlanta area resellers?

Posted by retromango, 08-07-2004, 02:37 AM
I'm quite pleased at all the wonderful information on this site. I had already been eyeing HostGator, Hometownhost and a few others, but thanks to all of your posts I have a few more options to consider. I am involved with an entrepreneurial student organization in Atlanta. We would like to offer free hosting to our members. Naturally, buying a reseller account is the way to do this (don't quite have the funds or the need for a dedicated host . . . yet). I don't expect we will need too much space at first (maybe 1GB) but the important thing is a plan that we can easily upgrade. My main question is if anyone knows any good Atlanta area resellers for a cheap price (~$15-25 a month) . I realize there are no geographical ties necessary but it would be nice to have ties with someone local. We have events with local entrepreneurs of different stripes and it would be nice to invite our webhost to one of our technical panels. Dinix and SiteSouth may be options but the price may be the deciding factor and there are many great offers available elsewhere in the country. Any Atlanta webhost entrepreneurs worth signing up with? Thanks in advance for the feedback. Cheers, Jonathan

Posted by idologicJeff, 08-07-2004, 03:17 PM
Atlanta is a great place. I'll be in Atlanta in November. Cheers Jeff

Posted by Tetraboy, 08-07-2004, 03:48 PM
To further refine, does anyone know atlanta area resellers that offer H-Sphere?

Posted by CMaster, 08-08-2004, 11:59 AM
I've have a resellers account with SiteSouth for 2 years and their servers and support have been great. I don't think you can go wrong with them.

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