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Problems with Enom

Posted by JustinH, 03-29-2001, 04:14 AM
I'm having some problems with enom.com (reselling). I'm working on the API (PHP version) and I am constantly getting a timeout error... anyone know?

Posted by teck, 03-29-2001, 10:01 AM
i was getting that too. i guess their server is down. did you try emailing them?

Posted by JustinH, 03-30-2001, 02:20 PM
Emailed them but no reply yet, I dunno.

Posted by Chicken, 03-30-2001, 08:39 PM
They often don't reply to emails, or if they do, it takes a bit. It is one of the reasons I don't recommend them to anyone. I've sent emails to sales@ info@ ted@ matt@ (some of these aren't the actual addresses), and you'd think one of the four would have responded, but nope. Very poor.

Posted by Nicholas Brown, 03-30-2001, 08:54 PM
I've had the exact same problem. I recompiled PHP with sockets support and it just times out. I also commented out the line in php.ini that sets the maximum execution time of a script but that didn't help either

Posted by dektong, 03-30-2001, 09:18 PM
I got a quick response when sending to info@enom.com. The person responding was billy.knott@enom.com. I only have two email correspondence with him, but it took at most about 5 minutes to response my questions. Well, may not mean anything whatsoever, but I will try to email him in the future.... you may also want to try calling instead of emailing them... cheers,

Posted by teck, 03-30-2001, 09:56 PM
i got a response from him too. it takes him like 4 hours to respond to an email i replied back within 1 minute of receiving. i still cant get it to work.

Posted by Chicken, 03-31-2001, 12:28 AM
Side note: Don't bother leaving a message. I've spoken to Billy as well. He originally gave me the wrong info way back when and after that I looked for others. Really they all *can* be helpful, just that I wonder what goes on over there sometimes.

Posted by dektong, 03-31-2001, 03:05 AM
Yea... I guess I have to admit that their support is actuall not really great. Hm... what should I do now? I got pretty good deal with them few months ago and now I have over 20 domains registered with them... It was not a big deal for me since I just register the domain manually by using their online system.... How about the Perl API? Any problem? I will need to implement this API soon and I am more inclined on using PHP initially... cheers,

Posted by Chicken, 03-31-2001, 03:39 AM
I dunno, the one person who tried to register couldn't (errors that they didn't have an account), and I really don't know what the deal is. I have to look at it... but it isn't at the top of my list. They annoy me. I had even written to a few of the enom resellers asking them for advice but they didn't reply either. Figures. Ted from itsyourdomain.com and Jodi from domainbank were much more helpful and returned emails much more reliably.

Posted by Nicholas Brown, 04-01-2001, 05:45 AM
The Perl one works ok but I like PHP better

Posted by MadMax82, 04-03-2001, 07:59 AM
I would agree with Chicken. eNom's price is good but man the service sucks! I have repeatedly talked to them about the interface with no response to e-mails, phone messages, etc. The domain transfer process also leaves quite a bit to be desired with the whole fax this to us thing. Finally, I repeatedly asked them for information about the new domain names and how they would handle the rollout. I got repeated responses telling me as soon as they knew something they would let me know. Of course I have to show up on the website to find out that they have set up a sort of lottery system WITHOUT letting us know. For my 2 cents I think OpenSRS is a much better company to deal with. Now if I could only figure out a way to get the OpenSRS price down to $6.95...

Posted by CRAVIS, 04-03-2001, 11:03 AM
Their Windows OCX component seems to work fine, but the transfer process is very clumsy and inconvenient... Also, we are offering virtual nameservers as an addon to our hosting plans and I have to email ENOM for each nameserver added... We are trying to achieve fast support and to automate all tasks, but it is not easy at this time. To move to OpenSRS ? Possibly a good suggestion, but we have good deposit and some domains already registered...

Posted by MadMax82, 04-03-2001, 12:22 PM
The $250 minimum deposit for OPENSRS does not help either. We have done it but the margin is a lot smaller. So has anyone gotten the PHP script to completely work and if so have they managed to integrate a payment option? I keep meaning to complete this but have been swamped the past two months. Sorry Chicken!

Posted by nox, 04-07-2001, 03:58 AM
Why don't you use the ENOM Perl scripts (which work fine) while working on the php site if you really must have it? At least you would have some sales going thru' then.. Most of the guys at eNom are really hard working and while they have some hiccups, I'm pretty sure they'll iron them out... worth supporting I think... I started off with an OpenSRS deal, but they have their own set of problems which are just as frustrating sometimes.. plus never answer questions... it's hard to choose right I guess.

Posted by Nicholas Brown, 04-07-2001, 04:43 AM
I guess its like choosing between apples and oranges

Posted by eddie, 04-08-2001, 09:15 AM
I tried the PHP version, but got the same error. Also have problems with the Perl version with the following error: Can any of you that were able to set it up give me a hint as to what is going on?

Posted by nox, 04-08-2001, 09:34 AM
It appears that you haven't given the guys at enom the IP that your site is on. They only allow access if you provide the domain and IP when switching to the real environment. Send the details to Ted Gray or Laurie Krick and you should be fine after that.. Cheers..

Posted by eddie, 04-08-2001, 09:48 AM
I am still using the test environment, and I have added the ip of my server. Maybe the test environment is not working so I will just go to the live version. Did any of you were able to use the test environment?

Posted by nox, 04-08-2001, 10:02 AM
Yes... we had it working in the test environment first. I'd be careful about playing around in the real environment until you get it working smoothly... you might end up regsitering a domain you don't want.. I still think your IP isn't in the database to get that error message.. Is the IP of your 'server' the same IP as the domain of the 'site'...? Are you using it under SSL?

Posted by eddie, 04-08-2001, 10:20 AM
Thanks Felix... Actually I am using my site IP, and that is the IP I added to the test environment database. But I am not Using SSL I wish they had more information, I have called them but they are only open monday - friday

Posted by teck, 04-19-2001, 04:21 PM
is it me or is their site slow as molasses today.

Posted by nox, 04-19-2001, 05:58 PM
teck... no it's not you, there was a line down in California apparently that put them off air for a while because their web site is on the Washington servers.. the other DNS servers (DNS3/DNS4) were working fine though.... Cheers..

Posted by indianic, 05-22-2001, 05:05 PM
Ok guys , after lots of debugging I get the solution for enom scripts php version for reseller interface , If any one inerested mail me at, indianic@icenet.net regards Sandeep Mundra

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