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Script to Monitor and Auto Restart Apache Httpd Server

Posted by 3-rx, 01-22-2009, 04:26 PM
hi, As I am new to Linux server, I am facing some doubts like the Script to can monito my unmanaged server and Auto Restart Apache Httpd Server I'm on linux server, OS- Centos, control panel- DA. I setup only 5-6 my websites on this server, which don't have so much traffic; installed few php scripts, which eat a lot of memory. I setup 2gb RAm, but unfortunately the server last 2 weeks often went to offline, as server was out of memory. after a little research find few scripts 1. Linux Server Hack - How to setup a Shell Script to Auto Restart Apache Httpd Server! Save the following as restart.sh: #!/bin/bash # Apache Process Monitor # Restart Apache Web Server When It Goes Down # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2003 nixCraft project # This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script is part of nixCraft shell script http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_script collection (NSSC) # Visit http://bash.cyberciti.biz/ for more information. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RHEL / CentOS / Fedora http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fedora Linux restart command RESTART="/sbin/service httpd restart" # uncomment if you are using Debian / Ubuntu Linux #RESTART="/etc/init.d/apache2 restart" #path to pgrep command PGREP="/usr/bin/pgrep" # Httpd daemon name, # Under RHEL/CentOS/Fedora it is httpd # Under Debian 4.x it is apache2 HTTPD="httpd" # find httpd pid $PGREP ${HTTPD} if [ $? -ne 0 ] # if apache not running then # restart apache $RESTART fi Then setup a cron job like this: (usually in your sa-update file under /etc/cron.d) */5 * * * * root /root/restart.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 source: (http://zedomax.com/blog/2008/07/28/linux-server-hack-how-to-setup-a-shell-script-to-auto-restart-apache-httpd-server/) 2. script to monitor your server --- BEGIN --- #!/home/www/cgi-bin/php -q "") { $log .= "Executing ".$action[$n]." ...\n"; exec($action[$n]); $mailheaders = "From: ".$from_email."\nContent-Type: tex t/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\""; mail ($admin_email, "Restarting ".$processes[$n], $email _body, $mailheaders); } else { $log .= $action[$n]." not running!\n"; $mailheaders = "From: ".$from_email."\nContent-Type: tex t/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\""; mail ($admin_email, $processes[$n]." not running!", $ema il_body, $mailheaders); } } else if ($process_count[$n] > $max_limit[$n]) { $log .= "Too many (".$process_count[$n].") ".$processes[$n]." pr ocesses. Sending notice to $admin_email\n"; $mailheaders = "From: ".$from_email."\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\""; mail ($admin_email, "Too many (".$process_count[$n].") ".$proces ses[$n]." processes", $email_body, $mailheaders); } } // Uncomment following line to print log to stdout #echo $log; ?> --- END --- source (http://forums.olm.net/showthread.php?t=415) 3. Shell script to restart MySQL server if it is killed or not working #!/bin/bash # Shell script to restart MySQL server if it is killed or not working # due to ANY causes. # When script detects mysql is not running (it basically sends ping request # to MySQL) it try to start using /etc/init.d/mysql script; and it sends an # email to user indicating the status. # This script must be run from Cron Job so that it can monitor mysql server. # For more info visit following url: # http://www.cyberciti.biz/nixcraft/vivek/blogger/2005/08/linux-mysql-server-monitoring.html # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2005 nixCraft project # This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script is part of nixCraft shell script collection (NSSC) # Visit http://bash.cyberciti.biz/ for more information. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mysql root/admin username MUSER="root" # mysql admin/root password MPASS="SET-ROOT-PASSWORD" # mysql server hostname MHOST="localhost" #Shell script to start MySQL server i.e. path to MySQL daemon start/stop script. # Debain uses following script, need to setup this according to your UNIX/Linux/BSD OS. MSTART="/etc/init.d/mysql start" # Email ID to send notification EMAILID="notification@somewhere-corp.com" # path to mail program MAILCMD="$(which mail)" # path mysqladmin MADMIN="$(which mysqladmin)" #### DO NOT CHANGE anything BELOW #### MAILMESSAGE="/tmp/mysql.fail.$$" # see if MySQL server is alive or not # 2&1 could be better but i would like to keep it simple and easy to # understand stuff $MADMIN -h $MHOST -u $MUSER -p${MPASS} ping 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "" >$MAILMESSAGE echo "Error: MySQL Server is not running/responding ping request">>$MAILMESSAGE echo "Hostname: $(hostname)" >>$MAILMESSAGE echo "Date & Time: $(date)" >>$MAILMESSAGE # try to start mysql $MSTART>/dev/null # see if it is started or not o=$(ps cax | grep -c ' mysqld$') if [ $o -eq 1 ]; then sMess="MySQL Server MySQL server successfully restarted" else sMess="MySQL server FAILED to restart" fi # Email status too echo "Current Status: $sMess" >>$MAILMESSAGE echo "" >>$MAILMESSAGE echo "*** This email generated by $(basename $0) shell script ***" >>$MAILMESSAGE echo "*** Please don't reply this email, this is just notification email ***" >>$MAILMESSAGE # send email $MAILCMD -s "MySQL server" $EMAILID < $MAILMESSAGE else # MySQL is running and do nothing : fi # remove file rm -f $MAILMESSAGE source (http://bash.cyberciti.biz/monitoring/monitor-mysql-server-shell-script/) 4. Monit M/Monit is a system for automatic management and monitoring of Information Technology Systems. M/Monit can monitor and manage distributed computer systems, conduct automatic maintenance and repair and execute meaningful causal actions in error situations. M/Monit can start a service if it does not run, restart a service if it does not respond and suspend a service if it utilize too much resources. Monitor system attributes such as CPU, Load, Memory, Disk usage, files, directories and filesystems for changes. Conditional rules can be set and if a value goes outside a defined scope specific actions can be executed and notification sent. Information is collected from monitored systems and stored in a database. Drill-down and filter functions exist to investigate collected data. source (http://mmonit.com) =----------- So need your advice which one you recommend. Any advice will be appreciated

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