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Multiple Reseller Accounts and NameServers
Posted by viaDamo, 09-15-2009, 03:27 PM |
Before I start please note I'm restricted from posting links until I have posted 5 times at WHT, hence the dotcom's!
I cant quite get my head around this, need some assistance.
Here is my scenario... I have a reseller account with my primary domain in use, lets call this 'www xyzhostingco dotcom' - my name servers are 'ns1 xyzhostingco dotcom' and 'ns2 xyzhostingco dotcom'
I sell webhosting to my customers, tell them to point there hosted domians to my name servers, job done.
Now, lets say I purchase another reseller account (from another company) when I sign up for the account I need to enter a domain name. So I purchase one, lets call this 'www XYZ01 dotcom' - so this reseller account now has its own nameservers 'ns1 XYZ01 dotcom' and 'ns2 XYZ01 dotcom'
Ideally, I want all of my customers to use my primary nameservers no matter what reseller account they are hosted on, 'ns1 xyzhostingco dotcom' and 'ns2 xyzhostingco dotcom'
Is it possible to forward the nameservers from 'ns1 XYZ01 dotcom' to 'ns1 xyzhostingco dotcom'?
what is the workaround?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by darkeden, 09-15-2009, 03:30 PM |
I have never actualy had to do something like this but instead of getting a new domain you could set it to ns3 xyzhostingcodotcom and ns4xyhostingcodotcom
Posted by viaDamo, 09-15-2009, 03:36 PM |
As far as I can tell, all reseller accounts require a domain name on signup.
Posted by njoker555, 09-18-2009, 10:54 AM |
they do need a domain name to sign up but you don't have to host your domain there - although it would make things a little easier - and as for your above issue, you would need a way to set up a DNS cluster which would be hard for just two reseller accounts - you could get a separate server that handles the DNS - that way you only have the two main nameservers, and when accounts are set up, you just set up a-records pointing to the reseller server you want the account hosted at.
Posted by jrianto, 09-20-2009, 09:11 PM |
Hmm you can't do that with a reseller account since you have to "sync" your DNS zones. It cannot be done, unless you have full root access on both WHM.
The thing is when you create a new account on your second reseller account, the DNS zones will not be synchronized on your main reseller account since they are residing under a different server on a different company.
A work around would be to do things manually, or to actually do a custom programming. Where you automatically update your main reseller's account DNS zone through WHM API whenever your second or third reseller account creates new accounts. This is doable, but would require API programming between your WHMs.
Good luck
Posted by viaDamo, 09-21-2009, 06:53 AM |
Thanks for your replies.
So, I could create new nameservers with my domain registrar NS3.xyzhostingco.com and NS4.xyzhostingco.com and point them to the IP addresses of my 'other' reseller account nameservers.
could that work?
Posted by GORF, 09-21-2009, 07:25 AM |
That is correct. I do that now.
Posted by MikeDVB, 09-21-2009, 09:30 PM |
Exactly - if the accounts are with the same provider and they are using a clustered DNS setup you may be able to use the same nameservers no matter what server you are on but if you are with multiple providers you will have to use multiple nameserver records.
Posted by viaDamo, 09-22-2009, 11:17 AM |
Thanks - I've created the nameservers with the domian registrar and they are resolving, slowly.
Mike, the accounts are not with the same provider so I guess DNS clustering would not be possible.
I'd have to make sure customers use the correct nameservers depending on which reseller account they were on. This seems quite easy to setup in WHMCS though.
I am making progress! thanks.
Posted by MikeDVB, 09-22-2009, 03:39 PM |
Yeah, just add the second reseller plan as another "Server" and then set the nameservers there and the welcome email will tell them which ones to use
We've only had *one* person in the last year and a half set their nameservers to something other than what the email said so I think you'll be pretty good to go.
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